We welcome and invite you to



Basic Development & Requirements


Looking the Part


Fighting the Part


Playing the Part


Speaking the Part


Working the Part

Participating in Trayn'd Bandes

If you are interested in participating, Gardiner’s Company members are interested in helping you get started! 

Company members can help you build details into your persona’s story enabling you to participate with the Trayn’d Bandes including how everyone would know each other and how they would relate to each other. Some members have even identified the house they live in on maps from the period. While a very high-level impression isn’t done by everyone, all members are expected to achieve a basic impression when first starting out. 

The following links are intended to help you create and build your kit. Each section is meant to build on itself to help you realize a fully inspired persona. Though, a completed kit and persona are not required to participate in Gardiner’s Company events. All we ask of you is interest and enthusiasm. So, let’s get started!

Click the link below to found more out about the events where this all comes together.