Gardiner’s Company events create a 16th century living history community, inspired by the area of Southwark, England. During events, everyone’s story fits together to create a unique historic experience in the beautiful mountains of central Virginia.

Our mission is to educate our members and the public on life in middle-class London 1584-1603 as well as life in the colony of Jamestown from approximately 1610 to 1620 through encouraging participation in living history events as well as assisting the Jamestown Yorktown Foundation. Founded in 1991, we are a 501(c)(3) non profit based in central Virginia.

Become a part of a historic
Gardiners Company events are immersive historical experiences. In preparation, members and guests work toward creating a persona or impression to portray. Eventually we hope everyone will develop not only a period-accurate “kit” (clothing & accessories), but also a fully-realized persona who engages in social and domestic activities, works an occupation or trade, has a rich family history, and is even knowledgeable of the gossip of the day.
Our Goode Company
The Trayn’d Bandes are also heavily involved in research and education. We host several Elizabethan events each year, as well as taking part in living history events organized by other groups and living history sites. We also participate in local public demonstrations of period activities, such as music, dance, and crafts. We have produced a series of publications for living history, as well as having been involved in the production of Daily Life in Elizabethan England, published by Greenwood Press in 1995.
Click the Link below to request a demo for your school or organization.
The Trayn’d Bandes of London are always interested in contact with others of like mind, and new members are welcome.
Membership is not required to participate.
Click the Link below for more information about some of our past and current projects.
Trayned Bandes Blog
The Kitchen
The Kitchen Gardiner’s Company is developing a site to hold period events and educational activities. The vision is to have period buildings...
Read MoreThe Kitchen. Still.
Chapter 2,806: When Will It End? Since last we left our intrepid (insipid?) builder, the inside was nearing completion. I am happy to...
Read MoreThe Kitchen — Another Sequel
Chapter 36 — I am set on fire So the cauldron corner has a doorway for the placement of fire wood or charcoal...
CHAPTER 12 – I am Eaten by Cement Day Who-Cares after Slabbing The brazier bases were mortared with a surface bond cement; this...
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