Laura and Vic are making impressive strides on the creation of the shirts to go with the Governor’s new suits for Jamestown. Laura has completed one shirt, and is working on a drawnwork ruff and cuffs to go with it. Vic has completed the embroidery for the cuffs and collar of the other shirt and will soon begin assembly of the shirt with openwork seams.

Here are some more views of Laura’s work on the drawnwork cuffs and ruff, close ups of her stitching and the resulting pattern. Click on the small images for a larger view.

Vic brought the cuffs and collar of the embroidered shirt to share.

So where do I find the pattern? I have a few linen table cltohs that are just beautiful and belonged to my husbands Great Aunt. I love the shirt. It is so me too. Thank you for any responses.