For those of you not on Facebook, Diane has set up the classic ‘Boys’ design on 4 different types of shirts as a fundraiser for Gardiners Company. Anyone is welcome to buy them. You order directly from the website, shirts are shipped directly to you when ready, and some of the proceeds come to us. Here is the link:
There are a variety of colors and options. Diane is working on adding more, such as white font on Black T’s. So if you don’t find what you’re looking for check back!
You know you want a new t-shirt. All the cool kids are ordering one. You are not required to be a paid member of Gardiner’s to order, friends and fans are welcome too!
Our fearless Secretary and Treasurer have been the brains and brawn behind the Gardiner’s Company Store, which has shown up at a variety of Atlantian events from Night on the Town to Holiday Faire, with the occasional showing at Sapphire/Ruby Joust and Twelfth Night. Stocking various sundries, and also peddling some used clothes, all the proceeds have gone to Gardiner’s Company to help with projects such as funding the site for Yule, paying for the land clearing for the upcoming tavern, and helping with materials and engineering for the kitchen building. The Company Store has also been helpful in getting a few members and friends clothed.
Headcoverings, plain and fancy, and credit cards accepted.Clothes for sale
Shifts for ladies, trunkhose and shirts for gentlemen
Bobbins, books, bottles, and such
We appreciate all our customers who have helped Gardiner’s Company reach our current goals, and look forward to future customers and our future projects. And we’d be completely lost without Mistress Carlyle, our Treasurer, and Mistress Hamilton, our Secretary, for all the hard work they do in addition to being our cooks and keeping us fed. They are our quiet heroes!