Mousehole was a grand event this weekend, despite the meager attendance. Though only 15 brave souls traveled to the Cat’s Perch Inn for the event, a fun time was had by all.

The morning started off with a manly display of manliness in the form of Pike Drill, led by our own Master Hamilton, Corporal of the Pike. Eight pikemen showed up for the drill; ordering their pikes, resting their pikes, charging their pikes, porting their pikes, marching their pikes, and other manly acts with long wooden pointed shafts. The ladies of the company were mighty impressed with the display, and may have heckled a bit.
Pike drill was followed by Bear Baiting with our master bearbater, Ian. Barnabus and Belle successfully defeated the packs of dogs that attempted to beat the bears into submission. Clearly we need younger and more hungry dogs. But the show entertained those in attendance to great applause.
The cooks switched things up and presented the company with a large dinner at midday, after pay, We were presented with a hearty chicken, apricot, and turnip stew, creamy snow peas, carrots in vinegar, cheese slices, bread with butter and jellies, pizelles, and a currant cake. Yum! After the big meal several Bandesmen succumbed to naps in shade, on benches, and on a blanket under the cedar tree.

Having the cooks mostly done by midday meant that we also enjoyed their company for the rest of the day. Whether sewing in the shade, shooting at the archery butts, or shooting bated arrows at attackers, the afternoon was full of activities, after several naps were accomplished. We finished up the day with a delicious supper of roast pork and savory cheese tart, some board games, dice games, and card games in the tavern with drink and some (poorly done) singing, as well as some excellent singing thanks to Fanny. Though a storm rolled in, coaxing folks inside, we still had a great event.
Wish you were there! But you can see more pictures from the event on Flickr.